I frequently mention my dog Winston on this blog just like I frequently mention him in conversation (which is probably annoying but I don't care, I'm an unabashed dog lover). If you have a dog that deserves a special treat for unconditional love, being a good listener, and the best welcome home dance you'll ever get (or if you have a friend with a dog who'd appreciate this gift) then you'd enjoy a visit to Dogma Bakery in Arlington, VA. They have a wonderful selection of dog treats which smell so good you'll want to eat one (in the photo above : Peamutt Butter Muffin, Snicker Poodle, Rover's Pieces, and a Bubba Bite) They're baked with quality ingredients, and contain carob rather than chocolate. They also have cheesy cookies (with cheesy names to match of course!) and special holiday themed treats. Besides baked goods, Dogma also sells all kinds of toys, leashes, dishes, and pet care items for both cats and dogs. They even have a nice selection of dog and cat themed art from ceramics to doormats, note cards and paintings. It would be easy to find a special gift there.