Yesterday, I made my way to the first ever Food Truck Bazaar (FTB). The FTB was part of Sunday's weekly Hell's Kitchen Flea Market. The weather was warm and sunny and I decided to stroll over and figured I'd grab a quick taco and some ice cream and be on my way. Boy was I wrong! To get to the food trucks you had to walk through the flea market area which was covered by slow moving mopey people. I know that's what to be expected at a flea market, but I was hungry and there for the food. When I got to the food truck area what I found was a row of about five trucks. However, the majority of the trucks had very long lines. I was turned off by the idea of having to wait three hours for a taco. I thought maybe the lines would move fast but they did not. It was also hot and humid. All the trucks were sold out of water at this time (about one pm).

I decided to skip The Krave, which was the reason why I wanted to go to FTB in the first place, and headed over to the Rickshaw Dumpling Bar truck. (The Krave truck makes Mexican food out of Korean ingredients, such as the Kimchi Quesadilla). The dumpling truck had a minimal line of about five people which made me skeptical since all of the other lines were at least an hour long wait. I was also not that interested in the dumplings because the Rickshaw Dumpling Bar was a restaurant which I've ate at before and was nothing out of the ordinary. Because of the short line it seemed that many of the hungry patrons ended up getting dumplings to hold them off while they waited in the other lines. I got the pork dumplings and some cold sesame noodle salad. The food was OK but nothing special. I waited on the second shortest line I could find which was the Go Burger line. The Go Burger truck is run by the BLT restaurant group. The burger is suppose to be more "upscale" than a typical burger - whatever that means.

I still had to wait an hour and half. By the time I got to the front of the line they were sold out of hot dogs and water and only had burgers. I got a cheese burger supposedly made of prime Angus beef. It was again OK, but definitely not worth an hour and half wait. It also was not that cheap about $10 bucks for a small burger with cheese and a can of Diet Coke.

I was almost sick from the heat and lack of fluids and wasn't even hungry at that point. I really wanted some ice cream but could not bear another hour and half wait. I was soo excited for my visit to the FTB and was disappointed. I was still left craving something at the end of my two hour ordeal. Best bet would have been to track down these trucks at their typical locations.