Free Ben and Jerry's from the Ben and Jerry's ice cream truck! TODAY @ Union Square west :). You can also get your picture taken inside a big tub of ice cream, along with a few cows. The kid in me really wanted to run up to one of the cows; but I was disenchanted by the line of only small children.

For the ice cream, I saw a long line on the way to the gym. On the way out the line was sparse. I didn't get any ice cream since I didn't want to ruin my work out. Instead I opted or another truck boasting free goodies. Next to the B&J truck was a Vio truck. Vio is a new drink which the truck claims to be "World's First Vibrancy Drink". Hmm.. that's just want I needed after a gruelling workout.

I'm not sure what makes Vio vibrant but my peach mango flavor surprisingly tasted like a melted orange creamsicle, with a tiny bit of fizz. When I looked at the ingredients all I saw was water, sugar, and cream with some flavorings. I was disappointed by the taste and even more disappointed to find out I had just drank all the calories I had just burned at the gym. I got a sticker with my bottle that said "It kinda tastes like a first kiss". That statement might be true if you were twelve and just visited an ice cream truck.

Verdict: Worth getting the free B&J if you are in the area but I'd skip the Vio.
****Don't forget to check out this weekend's Big Apple Barbecue Block Party! Saturday and Sunday in Madison Square Park from 11-6. Expect LOOOONG lines****