A few months back we bought tickets to spend a weekend in São Paulo and I was really excited because until then I only ever spent some hours there during flight connections. Many friends had already told me so much about the city and I was anxious to leave Floripa for a few days and smell some big city smog, eh, I mean air. I took heaps of pictures to share with you over the next couple of days. Not all of them are taken with my phone, but I decided to give them all the Instagram square cut uniform. /// Alguns meses atrás compramos passagens para passar um final de semana em São Paulo e fiquei muito animada porque até aí só conhecia os aeroportos. Muitos amigos já haviam me contado coisas legais sobre a cidade e estava agoniada para sair de Floripa e cheirar um pouco de smog, eh, quer dizer ar de cidade grande. Bati um montão de fotos para compartilhar com vocês durante os próximos dias. Nem todas tirei com a câmera do celular, mas resolvi uniformizar-las e deixar com cara quadrada do Instagram.

Above are a few pictures of our hostel/guesthouse that we found on Air BnB and which was just the cutest. The bed could have been more comfortable, but the house cat Tarsila and cool decor made up for some of it. /// Acima tem algumas fotos do nosso hostel/guesthouse que achamos no Air BnB e que foi a coisa mais fofa. A cama poderia ter sido mais confortável, mas dou pontos para Tarsila, a gata da casa e a decoração legal.

Street Art @ Av. Paulista - Natural Camouflage @ Parque Siqueira Campos - Silver Almonds @ Mercado Municipal

On Sunday we went to the Parque Ibirapuera where BMW was hosting a Jazz Festival and took time to stroll around until sundown. /// No Domingo fomos no Parque Ibirapuera onde a BMW estava patrocinando um festival de Jazz e aproveitamos para passear até o entardecer.

Next up: Food, Festa & Feira