Love for Food

Editorial ‘Carta de amor à Carlota’ - Aiê! Fashion & Macumba Hitech

Artes Editorial-07
Today I’m totally excited about sharing the following pictures with you. Thiago Francisco, my good friend and founder of the blog AiÊ! Fashion graduated and his finals included the creation of a unique collection consistent of 5 looks which he chose to have tailored to fit 5 of his dear friends, including myself. Wow right? The collection is inspired by the movie Carlota Joaquina, which tells the story of the Spanish princess who was married to Portuguese prince Dom Pedro and forced to flee when Napoleon invaded Portugal. At first she hated Brazil, but when the time came to go back, they almost had to force her and she eventually died in Portugal. She had a famous hunger for men and besides her king sought entertainment and pleasure with her numerous lovers. The editorial tells a story in which Thiago writes a love letter to Carlota asking her to return to Brazil. Assuring her that the country and its men continue to be beautiful, he tells her that she, her beauty and the life pulsing inside of her are responsible for the rich essence inside of every Brazilian today. Click here for the complete version. /// Hoje estou extremamente ansiosa porque posso compartilhar com vocês as imagens abaixo. Thiago Francisco, meu querido amigo e fundador do blog AiÊ! Fashion se formou e o TCC dele consistiu em 5 looks únicos que ele decidiu fazer com a ajuda de um alfaiate nas medidas de 5 amigos dele, inclusive eu. Wow, né? A coleção foi inspirada no filme Carlota Joaquina e conta a historia do Thiago escrevendo uma carta de amor para a Carlota, convidando para ela voltar pro Brasil. Mas tudo isso ele explicou muito melhor, então peço para conferirem o editorial completo aqui Artes Editorial-10 Artes Editorial-12 Artes Editorial-15 Artes Editorial-17