I am a real-live food blogger.
I didn't believe it at first - I thought, of all people, I should not be one sharing cooking tips to the public. But, on the flip side, sharing my stories of learning how to cook may be beneficial to someone after all! I hope so anyway...
At the moment, I am certainly making do with the resources that I have, and having fun doing it, too. I love sharing my kitchen experiences, however sparse they are right now due to our moving to a different continent and all that...
Sometimes my family thinks I'm crazy because I'm taking pictures of food before they're allowed to eat it, but they're getting used to it! Here's a funny photo from a past post where they were just really good sports about smiling with yummy food in front of them and not being able to eat it.

I must say that I miss my gas stove. When Mike and I get rich (ha) and build our dream home, that will definitely be a must. Here is the best picture I can find of our little tiny range in our apartment in Peru. The oven was about as wide as a medium pizza pan.

And, once again, I just want to point out the new "Conversions" page on the top of this site. I really haven't seen a lot of these on most "foodie" blogs and am proud to say that I use it ALL the time!
Thank you to my loyal followers for reading my blog. I am entering my blog into a contest with foodbuzz (see their badge on the right) and, in a few days, you will have an opportunity to vote for me! Are you excited??