Honestly, I was afraid to blog about this. I didn’t want to get my hopes up. But now that it actually came true, I have to tell you all about it!!
One of my top favorite blogs to follow is Bakerella – you’ve always seen it linked on the right.

The photo that made her famous.
Well, she recently published a book on her Cake Pops, which I made back in July for the first time. It was an immediate hit within my circle of friends and is still talked about. I keep telling everyone I’ll make them again, but continue putting it off – a little salivating torture is good for them sometimes! When I heard Bakerella had added a stop in Oregon on her book signing tour , I was happy, excited, thrilled, you name it! Fortunately, I am blessed with a mom who let me drag her along. She was my designated photographer for the day and also the one to guide my star-struck self out of the store after I had finally met Bakerella! Hehe. Look, I was literally number TWO in a huge line of Bakerella fans.
I’ve never done anything like this. Never been such a fan of someone/something. Never gone to meet a famous person on purpose. But here I was…This is me after I actually yelled, “Look! There she is!” as she was walking toward the store. I mean, who WAS this crazy redhead who, until an hour before, was probably the quietest in the whole line of fans. The entire line then looked across the mall at her and started clapping as she walked by.
Before the actual signing, we were able to crowd around her table for a Q&A time. Being at the front of the line, I was able to be at the front of the table! Literally, I had to keep telling myself to snap out of it, stop the grinning, and pay attention to what she was saying!
And here I am with Bakerella herself!
Oh, it was just a wonderful day. Sigh.