Well, you can certainly tell when the Drinkwater Kitchen has too much on its plate [no pun intended ], can’t you?! Sparing you details, we’ve had quite the last month of surprises, sadness, more surprises, and a little bit of fun too.
We were in Idaho for 2 weeks for Thanksgiving slash a funeral slash my job slash Husband’s job. That combined with a key employee quitting (and me therefore taking over all her duties until we can find a replacement) PLUS a strange medical issue PLUS having to speak to 100+ ladies last week when normally I’m terrified of public speaking PLUS adding a member to our household all caused little sleep and zilch blog writing. Enough complaining for now? I think so. I’m just fine. Exhausted but fine. The hubby is traveling again but I have a new companion! We were going to wait a couple months till we moved back into our house, but the local humane society was inundated with ~60 small dogs from a breeder who could no longer care for them. We took advantage of the opportunity for a good dog and welcomed little Chicha into our home. Here is the only good picture I have of her so far:

The story even made the news and, after successfully avoiding the 2 stations that were there with cameras, I was eventually pinned in and interviewed by one of them. Mike caught a screenshot of me. Makes me laugh.

But anyway, back to FOOD. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it? Thanks for so patiently waiting for my next post. I am planning on quite a few coming up, what with all the holiday baking I have done none of so far! I must catch up! (Not only with cooking but I’ve missed so many posts from all my favorite bloggers…must read those!) I have a couple restaurant reviews from our Idaho travels that I’ll post here shortly, along with a couple other items I made while there. And then here I come, Christmas!