This restaurant is apparently just called Carino’s now, but I affectionately remember it from my Idaho days as Johnny Carino’s. Not sure when they changed the name but I guess it makes for a shorter URL?

Anyway, turns out it is STILL one of my favs. I met up with a lot of fellow co-workers/friends one night but our big size didn’t affect the service. I think, overall, the girl did great. I wish I could remember her name. We had 2 different spills and she still was nice! Heh. I love Italian food and different dishes within, but when I’m at Carino’s I typically have to get the Chicken Parmigiana. This traditional dish found at most Italian restaurants is ehh-okay, but it is stupendous at Carino’s. Love it. Only after Mike ordered the minestrone was it when we remembered he ordered that last time and it wasn’t very good. So that received a 2 out of 5 stars in Mike’s opinion. Others enjoyed many other various dishes – all of which are NOT listed on my phone where I usually take restaurant notes... The highlight for most everyone, besides their ordered plates, was the bread. Warm wonderful bread comes out regularly throughout the meal along with a terrific dipping oil. I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t love it. There are many locations all across the USA (and a few outside of the USA), so I encourage all of you who haven’t yet to go try it!