After visiting my mother-in-law and her husband, Jackie & Jack, a few days ago, we left their house with an armful of tasty veggies from their garden! I had never prepared anything with acorn squash before, so that was going to be the first thing I used. I received a good tip from Jackie to microwave each squash for about a minute before trying to cut it due to its extremely hard shell. She was definitely right - it helped a lot! Yet, due to my bad left wrist, my little sister helped me slice it up. Thanks, Roxanne!

They also gave us a bunch of mouth-watering halibut that Jack had just caught in Alaska a few weeks ago. We were almost set for dinner! I emailed the rest of the ingredients to my husband at work and he came home with the rest of the veggies to complete a great meal.Mike created a variation of his famous "Hobo Dinner." Chop up all the vegetables and place the ones that will need to cook the most on the bottom. (He first coated the foil with a little bit of oil spray.) After the veggies were in place, he drizzled a small amount of Worcestershire sauce over it and sprinkled some Lawry's and black pepper, too.
Meanwhile, I was preparing the squash. I lightly coated the foil with spray oil, placed the squash on it, put a few dollops of butter around and sprinkled some brown sugar over it all. We then wrapped both his and mine up like this: Step 1: Only place food on one half of foil.
Step 2: Fold foil in half over food.
Step 3: Completely fold up both sides and then the end.
Now they're ready for the grill!
For the halibut, we created a foil "boat" and laid it in there after spraying it. Add some butter, Lawry's, and black pepper.
I forgot a picture of the final product - the fish, squash, and other vegetables were phenomenal. Mostly due to Mike's expert grilling. ;)