Confession time...
I've been blogging somewhere else lately. Why didn't I tell you, you ask? Well, I wasn't keeping a secret, per se... I just didn't know what my new blog was going to become yet. And now I {sort of} do!

click the picture to visit the new blogHonestly, I was tired of the limits. I wanted a place where I could write about whatever I wanted! A lot of that time is still sharing food photos & recipes, but it's also random reviews on books or movies, trips I take and oh, so much more.
I'd love to have you join me over there! You'll still see many more new recipes to try, hopefully for many years to come. You can follow by "joining the site," which of course boosts my self-confidence haha, and you can also scroll a bit down to "follow by email."
The DK will still stay live and, who knows, I might be back on here one day. For now, I'm liking the simplicity of one blog. :)
See you over there and have a good weekend!